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See the most accurate list of Miromar homes for sale. Since they come right from the MLS, the listings on this website are even more up-to-date than sites like Zillow and Trulia. You'll never fall in love with a home only to find that it's sold.
Shop each neighborhood all in one place. As a Miromar specialist, I can give you all the information you'll need about Miromar real estate, the lifestyle options offered by the various neighborhoods, and much more, to ensure you make an informed decision. You can use the Community pages to learn about each neighborhood on your own, too.
Get accurate information about home prices. Whether you're looking to buy a home in Miromar, or you're selling one, don't be satisfied with online estimates that are notoriously inaccurate. I'll be glad to give you real pricing information based on the facts that are available to me as a REALTOR®. I publish regular newsletters to update you on the latest local market information. If you want to know the value of your existing Miromar home, I can show you your "competition" to help you price your home right the first time.
Association rules, regulations, rental policy, and fees - it's complicated. You'll be completely up-to-date on all neighborhood characteristics because I stay up-to-date on the status in all of the neighborhoods.
You can live in what feels like a 5-Star resort. Miromar real estate has something for everyone, including luxury condominiums, villas, single-family homes and estate homes. You can life the lifestyle you're dreaming of, in a place with amenities that are second to none.
The community has won over 100 awards, and more are on the way. Here are just a few: the Gold Nugget International Awards, 2012 Merit Award Winner For Public/Private Recreational Resort. National Association of Home Builder Awards for Community of the Year in 2011, Best Clubhouse in 2010, Community of the Year in 2003-2011.
The importance of these awards isn't to impress. The awards are important because they reinforce that you'll see excellence in every facet of the community.
I'd be delighted to make finding your Miromar home an outstanding experience. Feel free to contact me at (239) 293-2045 if you have questions or need advice.
Matt Loveall
DomainRealty.com LLC
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